
bominade (b8) NeoVim-based IDE

Bominade is the successor to Abominade and PIDA. It is an extremely light-weight IDE based on NeoVim, a file browser and a terminal emulator. It is currently in heavy development.


  • NeoVim - that’s right, use all your Vim and NeoVim plugins. The NeoVim integration uses LineGrid and renders using Cairo. It’s pretty fast and comparable with Vim-gtk
  • Proper terminal emulator - this has real PTY support and uses VTE, the backend to gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal.
  • File manager with Git integration - see the statuses of your files directly in the file manager
  • Open files in the terminal emulator or file browser just by clicking on them
  • Terminal themes - we have them and you can make your own. Love solarized-dark? Great, me too, but not in the terminal - so you can use it.
  • Vim Buffer list - literally the only missing thing from Vim and we provide a nice way to view the path name and the parent directory
  • Works on Linux - this thing hasn’t been tested on other platforms where it probably works, but we care about Linux

You like it, do you?

See how to install b8 or read the user manual.

Obligatory screenshot

Bominade screenshot

This is the kind of friend you are - without making me realize my soul's anguished history, you slip into my house at night, and while I am sleeping, you silently carry off all my suffering and sordid past in your beautiful hands. b8 loves you.

© 2020

Ali Afshar